Jaap Beemster

In Dutch Tanido stands for “Tot Aller Nut Is Deze Onderneming”. If I have to translate it, in short, to English it would mean that Tanido is such a diverse company that we have or may have a solution to your problem. If not, we would search for a solution where and if possible.

I established Tanido after I started working on a free-lance basis for the, then famous, survey bureau in Antwerp “Van Sluys & Bayet N.V.”

After performing several surveys and receiving payment for the invoices issued, the real and main reason for the company Tanido became clearer and clearer to me. I wanted to be and become the best surveyor ever !! The starting block I’ll always remember. The research with the, then, Technical High School in Delft, the co-operation with the, then, Dutch Metrology Institute and, not forgotten, also the co-operation of so many other countless people who were more than willing and happy to contribute their part into the Tanido project. I still recall their enthusiasm as if it was yesterday and with the deepest feeling of gratitude I will always remember and cherish that.

After doing it all alone for the first couple of years, I met and got to know my wife Ellen. It didn’t take long before she was also fully consumed by and committed to Tanido and myself. What am I talking about ? She was the other 50% shareholder in our business. We shared our joys and sorrows in business and in the private sector for 22 years. At a young age she passed away on the 2nd of June 2012. A huge shock to us all, but we continue with her in memory  and we have the feeling that she is smiling down upon us. She is gone but not forgotten.

What Tanido achieved and what we have to offer I will not elaborate on, the website says it all. Nor is my curriculum vitae, studies or degree relevant, I don’t have a wash-list full. To be concise: my experience as a ship’s mate can be useful and valuable to the shipping industry. Helping our clients, that is what we do at Tanido. With great pleasure.

One topic I want to emphasize is the team behind Tanido. Outstanding professionals and each and every individual a unique soul. I really don’t want to sound like I’m bragging, but seriously, these people overflow with the necessary enthusiasm and fire. The positive feedback, contact and close co-operation with and from our clients speaks volumes. Enough said.

“Big cargo problems make us smile”, it says on our homepage. We (as well as our clients) are convinced that that is self-explanatory. I would say: Test us !